The Youth Ministry of The Bridge Ministry Center
The Bridge Students is the junior high and high school ministry at The Bridge Ministry Center. Our vision is to not only see students saved but we desire to see them become healthy, whole, connected, and empowered. We long to see teens healthy in body, soul and spirit and also to see them have healthy relationships. Our goal is to create a safe place where teens can get connected to the Father and also to a healthy community. We want them to know they have purpose and empower them to walk in that purpose.
We value the presence of God and intend to get our students in the His presence every opportunity we can. We have a high value for honor and it is important to us to teach our students how to live from a place of honor. We believe community is a very important part in developing healthy people, so we strive to create a safe place for community to be built. We know that God is good. That He only has our good in mind and that His plans are always to prosper us. This is a core value of The Bridge Student Ministries.
We currently meet on Sunday nights at 6pm at Kyle & Lindsey's house. We have worship, teaching and community each Sunday night. We have several events throughout the year including youth camp, spring and fall events, and more.
Check out our events page to see any upcoming events for the youth of The Bridge Ministry Center.